Crossing The Boundary From Behind

In his 1999 essay ”PRINTMAKING: A COLONY OF THE ARTS”, Luis Camnitzer, a renowned conceptual artist with a printmaking background, analyzed problems of printmakers and reflected on his own practice. “I was using a technical discipline to define myself and this was conceptually wrong”, “I am trapped in that technical fundamentalism so typical of printmakers. A great mixture this—a colonial mentality laced with fundamentalism.”

How to de-colonize printmaking has long been a challenge for printmakers. At the same time, this colonial mindset of printmakers has been subject to change from the outside such as  invalidation of hierarchies among media due to technological and conceptual changes in reproduction in the digital age and reflective review of mainstream history and value systems in postcolonial debates. It is not only a literal transfer by physical contact but a conceptual translation and a technology of mediation. The printmaker mediates between objective and subjective states, and they are located outside of the system. In other words, printmakers are not citizens of a single medium but residents, immigrants, or tourists. The position and identity of the printmaker and the non-citizen/non-native’s are strikingly similar. Printmaking has a multilayered nature and can be conceived of as a cognitive mode that crosses regions. The printmaker stands behind the plate and sees their work from that position. Because of its non-face-to-face nature, printmaking has a blind spot in its core process. 

This group exhibition is consists of works that are using the structure and function of printmaking as "mediation". Although their methods and manifestations are all different, each work adapts the essential function of the print such as state of invisibility, unknowability, unpredictability and the limit of not being able to be seen from the front.

These works will present, as one of the possibilities of printmaking as well as the ways to de-center the art making process, the crossing of boundaries from behind—an act which becomes possible solely when the actor is in the position of "only being able to see from behind.”

Midori Harima
Hong Kong,  2019


1999年のエッセイ”PRINTMAKING: A COLONY OF THE ARTS”の中で、版画家としてキャリアをスタートしたコンセプチュアルアーティストのLuis Camnitzerは、自身の版画家としてのプラクティスを振り返り「版画家に典型的な技術原理主義の罠にはまっていた。」として「技術の鍛錬によって自分自身を定義することはコンセプチュアルには誤りであった。」と述べ、そのようなプリントメーカーのマインドについて、「原理主義が織り込まれたコロニアルのメンタリティである。」と言及している。




この展覧会は、その方法や現れ方はそれぞれ異なるが、「媒介する」という版画の構造と機能を使った作品で構成されている。その多くは、版画の持つ性質;見えないことや、解らない、予測できないという状態 や、正面からは見られないというリミットの中で作られている。これらの作品を通し、版画制作に顕著な特徴の一つである「裏側からしか見られない」構図でこそ可能となった、裏側から起こる越境を、版画の可能性の一つとして、 また作品制作の脱中心化の方法の一つとして提示したい。

2019年10月 播磨みどり 香港にて


TEXT ”Prints: A place for reality and fiction/印刷:リアリティとフィクションの場所”(2023)
“300日画廊と佐藤さんのこと” 300days Gallery and Sato Yoichi (2022)
REVIEW “ポリネーター展に見る「美術のおもしろさ」について” (2021)
TEXT “郊外の美術原理主義国家の法と倫理” (2020)
EXHIBITION STATEMENT ”Crossing The Boundary From Behind" 裏側からの越境 (2019)
“ゴミをめぐる考察” (2017)
TEXT  "Democracy Demonstrates - What I have consumed in 90 days in Korea" Democracy Demonstrates - 90日間韓国で私は何を消費したか (2015)
BLOG "한국 길가 피크닉 - Roadside Picnic in Korea” 路傍のピクニック 韓国 (2015)  
TEXT  "The Roadside Picnic Chapter two" 路傍のピクニック第二章 (2014)
TEXT  "Story Spoken by Outline" 輪郭で語られる物語 (2003)
TEXT "Clean Castration" 清潔な去勢 (2001)

