"Democracy Demonstrates"
2015 - 2017
Click here to see PDF list of all 367 sculptures and additional info
The project began during a 90-day residency in South Korea and then continued from my home in New York. It was a documentation of my daily life, as well as a simple comparative observation of the consumption patterns of one individual living in different consumer societies. The project deals with the idea of democracy and the gap between that idea and the actual system we live in, and reflects on the contradictions in and the limits to democracy as a value system and institution under late capitalism. More fundamentally, the project was a way to bring my desire to be more democratic and the actual practice of democracy together through a concrete action.
To return the practice of democracy to a personal level, as a material for my studio practice I used the garbage I generated each day as a result of my choices as a consumer, not as materials selected based on aesthetic value judgments. By doing so, I attempted to strengthen a viewpoint in which the artist’s judgment is kept to a minimum and all materials are treated equally. This approach was the complete opposite of the way I had worked up to that point, and served as a way to question anew aesthetic and ideological systems which I had internalized.
-Midori Harima, March 2017, New York
“Democracy Demonstrates” は 2015年から2016年にかけて行われた一年間のプロジェクトです。プロジェクト期間中毎日、一日の生活の中で出るゴミを使って、一日一個の立体を制作し、それらの立体は其々デジタル写真に収められました。このプロジェクトはその366個の立体とそのイメージ、タイトル、立体のサイズ、ゴミの内容物、その日訪れた場所や共に過ごした人々の名前や作品の宛先などの記録によって構成されています。
播磨みどり 2017年3月 ニューヨークにて